If your test case requires you to create a large dummy file or many dummy files in linux and Google or Yahoo landed you here, then you have come to the right place.
In Linux you can create a large file with just a one line command. Here's how.
Creating one large file
dd if=/dev/zero of=/home/1GBtestfile.img count=1000000 bs=1024
This will create a 1GB file named 1GBtestfile.img in the home directory
dd if=/dev/zero of=/50GBtestfile.img count=50000000 bs=1024
This will create a 50GB file named 50GBtestfile.img in the / or root directory
To check the size of the file which is being created, in a new ssh session type
du -hs /home/1GBtestfile.img
du -hs /home/1GBtestfile.img
Creating many dummy files
Create a shell script named filecreator
# vi filecreator
Paste the following to create 10 files in the same directory
for i in $(seq 0 10);
echo -n "file${i} ";
dd if=/dev/zero of=file${i} bs=1024 count=2 2>&1;
Wright and Quit by typing wq
Rename the file to a .sh file
# mv filecreator filecreator.sh
Run the script
# ./filecreator.sh
for i in $(seq 0 10);
echo -n "file${i} ";
dd if=/dev/zero of=file${i} bs=1024 count=2 2>&1;
Wright and Quit by typing wq
Rename the file to a .sh file
# mv filecreator filecreator.sh
Run the script
# ./filecreator.sh
To count the number of files in a directory
# ls -l | wc -l
# ls -l | wc -l
Happy Testing!!
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